There has been an awful lot of talk in the book world about Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Select. From the author side, most of the chatter has been negative.

Famous author Hugh Howey has a partner called Data Guy. Together, they often publish about findings they are able to glean by sifting through…you guessed it…data.

My own experience with KindleUnlimited has been mixed. I feel like I’ve found new readers, but some new and unusual dynamics have revealed themselves in the marketplace.

Like Joe Konrath, I believe in experimenting. Trying new things. And seeing what works for me. So I have some books in KindleUnlimited and some are not.

If you are a member of KindleUnlimited, I believe you pay around $9.99 a month and you can read as many books as you want. I hope you’ll consider some of my stories.

If not, you can always read my stuff the old-fashioned way…you know…buying them.


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